Sunday, 10 November 2024

It's Magic by Avi

There's a movement in my head...
My horn lights up.
Because it's Magic.

Friday, 25 October 2024

Inside me by Avi

Inside me, 
there is but one wolf.
Next to it, 
but not with it, 
an eagle. 
A predator must be alone.
To be the apex, 
one must always be on top of a pyramid of losers.

Saturday, 1 June 2024

The waters of Aloria by BeachWanderer

In the mystical realm of Aloria, there is a tale told by all old people, about a secret beach that is supposed to heal all ailments.
Princess Anica, the favourite daughter of the king, heard about it and decided to look for it, so it might cure her from her love sickness.
When she finally reached the shore, she realised that she needed to be "herself". The waves whispered: "You are enough. You don't need anyone." 