Saturday, 23 September 2023

Cherry Tree by Sara

There is a moment
When colorful buds
Peer, half-asleep
Through heavy lids,
And wonder if they have
A few moments more
To rest like weary eyes
Before busy visitors - humming and buzzing
As they fill their pockets with golden pollen treasure -
But the sun is warm.
And the songbird is here - joined by another and another -
Together sounding the alarm that spring has finally come.
So it is time to wake up.

Saturday, 9 September 2023

This is just to say by William Carlos Williams (sent in by Lisa)

I have eaten 
the plums
that were in 
the icebox

and which 
you were probably
for breakfast.

Forgive me 
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

Saturday, 19 August 2023

If you can't be (sent in by Tuulia)

If you can't be a pine
on the top of the hill,
be a scrub in the valley -
but be the best little scrub
by the side of the rill.
If you can't be a highway
then just be a trail,
if you can't be the sun be a star.
It isn't by size that you win or you fail
be the best of whatever you are!

Saturday, 22 April 2023

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

Es war nur ein Ententeich, ein Stück weit unterhalb des Bauernhofs. Und er war nicht besonders groß. Lettie Hempstock behauptete, es sei ein Ozean, aber ich wusste, das war Quatsch. Sie behauptete, man könne durch ihn in eine andere Welt gelangen. Und was dann geschah, hätte sich eigentlich niemals ereignen dürfen.

It was just a duck pond a little way down from the farm. And it wasn't very big. Lettie Hempstock said it was an ocean, but I knew that was bullshit. She claimed that one could go to another world through it. And what happened next should never have happened.

Saturday, 18 March 2023

I want to fly away by thepoetryofwaves

Ich möchte hinwegfliegen
über das, was sie sagen
und doch kann ich nicht aufhören 
dazugehören zu wollen

auch mit Flügeln
auch mit dir

vor allem damit
was ich möchte 

ich kann nicht sehen
nur spüren
wie ein Wind mich dahin trägt
wo alle Münder ein Lied singen

I want to fly away
about what they say
and yet I can't stop listening
to want to belong

also with wings
also with you

especially with it
what I want

I cannot see
only feel
like a wind carries me there
where all mouths sing a song

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Listen to the wind by Karin

Listen to the wind,
it talks
Listen to the silence,
it speaks
Listen to your heart,
it knows.